
Sometimes you don't want to receive all results at once, so you need to filter them. To do so, let's look at this example:

  Suppliers (id__Gt:100) {

Here we only request suppliers who's ids are greater than 100. You can change the value to suit your needs.

All filters

Each filter follows the same structure: field__Operation with field being a field available for the entity (this field doesn't have to be requested in the query), two underscores __ as separation, then the operation. You then pass the value you want the use as filter.

Here are all the available operations you can use to filter results:

OperationSQL OperationCardinalitySyntax
InINSingular or pluralFor ease of use, you can skip using the In operator and simply put the field's name, like this: id : 1 or id : [1,2,3]
NotInNOT INSingular or pluralid__NotIn : 1 or id__NotIn : [1,2,3]
Lt<Singularid__Lt : 40
Le<=Singularsubtotal__Le : 50000
Gt>Singularshipping_cost__Gt : 10.3
Ge>=Singulartotal_tax_amount__Ge : 1
LikeLIKESingularlabel__Like : "Car"
NotLikeNOT LIKESingularemail__NotLike : "John"
StartWithLIKESingularfirst_name__StartWith : "Pat"
ContainsAllThe result contains all given argumentsPluraltag_ids__ContainsAll:["blue", "green"]